Oakland City Council Committees Preview
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza
Tuesday, Mar. 25, begins at 9:30 a.m.
Hashtag: #oakmtg

DENSITY BONUSES Oakland needs to update its planning code regarding density bonuses used for enticing developers to build additional affordable housing. The city is currently not in line with state laws. The proposed draft ordinance calls for density bonuses for 10 percent of total units for lower income households; 5 percent of total units for very low income housing; 10 percent of a common interest development, such as a condominium; and a Senior Citizen housing development.WHAT IT MEANS Aside from being in compliance with state law, if Mayor Jean Quan’s 10KII housing plan to attract 10,000 new residents throughout Oakland is going to work, its going to have to incentivize lower income affordable housing and allow larger developments through density bonuses.

(Time change: Meeting starts at 1:30 p.m.; Special CED Committee mtg on Workforce development/WIB, Wednesday, 4:30 p.m.).

TAX AUDITS An audit of Oakland hotel tax Measure C, passed in 2009, came up squeeky clean, according to a city staff report. The tax brought in over $3.5 million in revenue last year, with half going to the Oakland Convention and Visitors Bureau. The Oakland Zoo and Oakland Museum of California each receive an eighth of the revenue. In addition, a three-year audit on Measure DD is presented to the commttee. Also passed in 2009, it authorized the issuance of $198 million in bonds for various improvements to Lake Merritt and other water-related projects. WHAT IT MEANS Unless you expect city government to always be corrupt, both audits show Oakland is merely doing what it’s suppose to do. (Starts at 9:30 a.m.)

ILLEGAL DUMPING Since last July, Public Works has been able to remove illegal dumping items within three days 85 percent of the time, says an informational report, and removed over 2.5 tons of material last fiscal year. Since Feb. 21, 9 of 45 citations issued for illegal dumping resulted in the violator either paying Public Works for the cost of removal or committing to community service. Two others paid the cost of the entire citation. WHAT IT MEANS There may be some positives coming to Oakland’s nagging illegal dumping problem after it strengthened penalties for violators. What this report really represents is a opportunity for committee member and illegal dumping opponent Noel Gallo to passionately riff on the subject. (Starts at 11:30 a.m.).

BIKE/PEDESTRIAN ORDINANCE As more people eschew cars in favor of bicycles or walking, says an draft ordinance authored by Councilmember Libby Schaaf, vulnerable bicyclists need civil remedies for accidents with automobile, either because of negligence or intentional malice. The ordinance would allow for civil penalties up to $1,000. WHAT IT MEANS Control of city streets is slowly being ceded to other modes of transportation. Last year, four bicyclists were involved in an accident in Oakland when the driver allegedly harassed the bicyclists for road space and accidents and deaths in other big cities, like San Francisco, have made headlines. Berkeley also has a similar ordinance. (Starts at 6 p.m.)