HAYWARD CITY COUNCIL  | Hayward Councilmember Francisco Zermeno’s heart may be in the right place, but he has another wild idea to help the city’s homeless. This time, he’s floating the idea of converting old steel shipping containers into dwellings for the homeless.

On Instagram and Twitter, Zermeno posted this:

The idea is not entirely novel. Others cities have studied recycling shipping containers into tiny homes for the less fortunate, but the idea may do little to treat the underlining issues that lead to homelessness–lack of jobs, mental health, age, and disability.

A blithely proposed idea to help the homeless in Hayward is nothing new for Zermeno. In 2013, after he and others on the City Council prohibited free food-sharing in city parks without funding an alternative for hungry residents, Zermeno mentioned fig and kumquat trees on public land are teeming with fruit near Southland Mall.

Zermeno’s insinuation being: the city’s homeless could grab a free snack near the mall or for Hayward to allow fruit-bearing trees on city sidewalks. City staff, though, demurred and, added, fallen fruit on the sidewalk pose a major liability to the city.