East Bay Assemblywoman Mary Hayashi confounds the local political world with news of her campaign accepted fundraising dollars from Fox News. A mayoral candidate in San Leandro reportedly cries. Pete Stark shocks seniors and Gail Steele has a few highballs. All that and more on the now weekly EastBayCitizen.com TnT Podcast with Steven Tavares and Nick Terry. Click on the logo on the right to go to the podcast page. Note: the TnT Podcast moves to its new day. Check the EastBayCitizen.com every Friday morning for the latest show.

Here is the Hit List for Episode 2, the compendium of people and ideas criticized this week:

Rep. Charlie Rangel, Fox News, Hot Blond news anchors, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Pete Stark, Fmr Sen. Chris Dodd, Mary Hayashi, Fiona Ma, Supervisor Gail Steele, seniors, Councilwoman Joyce Starosciak, Kobe beef, Kobe Bryant, cry babies, driving while talking on the cell phone, Justin Bieber, President Obama, vacations, Bill Lockyer, Weinerschnitzel.