Nancy O’Malley

ALAMEDA//PLANNING BOARD | Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley rarely has a beef with elected officials who break the law, but she objected Monday night to a proposed In-N-Out Burger at Alameda Landing citing its likelihood for attracting crime to the city of her residence.

The Alameda Planning Board approved the addition of In-N-Out set to be constructed at the new development between the College of Alameda and the Webster tube leading to Oakland.

Although O’Malley, who never identified himself as the county’s top cop during public comment, said the development, also including a Target, a bank and gas station, will overwhelm the area’s traffic situation, but the burger joint’s presence near Oakland will bring crime to the island city.

“I do know something about public safety,” she said. “We have people coming to what could be considered a vulnerable site in Alameda. It’s easy in and easy out, no pun intended.”

O’Malley added the restaurant’s nighttime hours will attract people to the location from Oakland along with its continuing problem with crime. Over 5,000 robberies were reported in Oakland last year making it the robbery capital of America, O’Malley said. “Every city that surrounds Oakland is impacted by Oakland’s high crime.”

For now, the closest In-N-Out for Alamedans hankering for a Double-Double is located on Hegenberger Road in Oakland where they will gladly take your order and your money.

Press play to watch O’Malley’s comments.<!–