OAKLAND | ALCO GRAND JURY | A new Alameda County Grand Jury report is questioning whether the City of Oakland and its police department are receiving all the revenue they’re due from a long-term towing contract. In addition, the report also said the Oakland Fire Department failed to recoup more than $1.4 million in fire inspection fees due to a faulty billing and records system and understaffing.

The annual grand jury report released Monday includes several investigations that focused on the City of Oakland’s inability to conduct proper oversight of fiscal issues. Another investigation also faulted the struggling Oakland Unified School District for shoddy record keeping that inhibits it from conducting timely and accurate audits. The school district has been in state receivership for more than a decade following an emergency $100 million loan in 2003. The grand jury also questioned the negative effects of Oakland’s large number of charter schools on OUSD’s ability to receive adequate state funding for its public school students.

Alameda County grand jurors have routinely slammed Oakland city government for lax oversight in recent years, including harsh criticism of the city’s criminal investigation labs and an inability by the Oakland City Council to police itself regarding non-interference rules…