Assemblymember Bill Quirk hopes failed Bachelorette
Britt finds love with Brady the Musician.

ASSEMBLY | 20TH DISTRICT | Assemblymember Bill Quirk may be the most misunderstood politician in the entire East Bay. At times he’s the wonky former nuclear scientist, while other times behaving in such a way that personifies his surname–quirky. But, forget about all that for a moment because Bill Quirk loves watching “The Bachelorette.”

Seemingly out of nowhere and more than a week since the iconic show’s season premiere, Quirk posted to Facebook Wednesday morning his opinion on the choice of the next bachelorette.

Pleased that Kaitlyn is the Bachelorette. It should be a fun and humorous season. Feel sorry for Britt. Hope things work out with Britt and Brady.
Posted by Bill Quirk on Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Bazinga!: Quirk and Halle Berry.

Quirk’s nerdy-cool factor is not an act. In fact, his campaign team for the 2012 Assembly race purposely used Quirk’s quirkiness to good use. There was a semi-ironic mailer showing a younger Quirk posing, fists-out, in karate garb and also circulation of the infamous Star Trek photo of Quirk sitting in the captain’s chair among four Klingons.

Last year, Quirk also opined on Twitter over the scientific accuracy of a few scenes in the film Interstellar.

In addition to Quirk’s opinions on “The Bachelorette,” he can appreciate beautiful women. Recall, the day Halle Berry traveled to Sacramento to promote anti-paparazzi legislation? Quirk does and based upon the look on his face in this photo from that day, dreams do, indeed, come true.

UPDATE: Quirk offered no opinion on news Thursday of the sudden break-up of the previous Bachelor and his girlfriend after just two months.

UPDATE: Sunday, May 31, Quirk sent an email with his thoughts on the recent break-up from The Bachelor: 

“It is a shame that Bachelor Chris & Whitney broke up. I have to think that Whitney may have been reluctant to move to Arlington Iowa. Every store and bar has closed. The only business left is the post office.”